Saturday, February 26, 2011

Google Instant Search Offers Challenges to SEO Content

Ranking well with the search engines is something all businesses try to be cognizant of. It is the reason why SEO material is created for the main pages of a website as well as in all of the rest of the content which is added later on. The idea is to make sure that no matter what someone is looking for on the internet, they will be able to find the sites which are the most helpful to what they are looking for. The challenge is in making content which is friendly to the reader and to the search engines at the same time.

The new instant search from Google has created a new caveat that web owners have to pay attention to. The service from Google makes it possible for the search engine to offer suggestions of websites which might fit your need as you are typing in the keywords into the search window. The list is constantly updated based on what is being typed in. An educated guess by the system can cause a problem for the many websites looking to be found. The problem is how to make sure that your website will always be found in instant search.

Understanding the New Service
The new product from Google is something which they hope will offer users an easier time of surfing the internet by offering even faster results. By offering lists based on even a few letters, it is possible that users will be able to find useful content within seconds of the time that they get started. The hope is that the users will be able to return to the search engine even more because they find the new service even more useful. You will be able to find something like internet VoIP service without having to enter a long string keyword. It is something which will save time for the user, but create a challenge for websites.

Deciding on Keywords
Many websites have started to take a look at the kinds of keywords they are using with the content that they have. They wonder how they will be able to utilize keywords which will give them better rankings even when only a fraction of the keyword is used. It is important to remember that you should not try to use fractions of keywords in content as it will be caught by the spiders and could even cause your website to be ignored altogether. Rather you should pay attention to which keywords are being searched most often as this will likely change now with the new feature from Google.

Focusing on Content
It is a good idea to take a good look at the kind of content you are offering on your website to make sure you have the kind of information which will allow for better results with the instant search option on Google. Your content is what the spiders are looking for when they crawl the web. They are tending to avoid the sites which are geared more towards the search engine rather than the search engine users. Focus more on the kind of content which provides useful information to those interested in your company and what you have to offer. Remember you can include content which has to do with the industry you are in as well. Adding industry news to your site will only help to lend to the idea that you are an authority within your industry.

Learning the New Algorithms
The new ideals being looked for with Google is that they want to only feature websites which are produced in an organic manner. They advise all websites to focus on the kind of content which will be useful once the visitor lands on the site. They are paying attention to the kinds of analytics which suggest whether or not those who visit the site have found what they are looking for or not. If there is a high bounce rate for certain keywords on your site, they tend to send you less traffic as a result. Focus your attention on the keywords which tend to make sure that people are spending the right amount of time on your site.

Defining Your Website
It is a good idea to take a look at exactly what kind of content your website should have on it so that you can further define your message and the direction of your website. By defining your website, it is possible for more people to grasp the concept and for you to get a higher ranking with the search engines. Things like website organization and content will play heavily in the usefulness of your website to those who visit. Paying attention to these factors will help your site to be highly successful with Google instant search.

Article Submission Trumps Ezine Ads and Google AdWords

You may have heard advice from Internet marketing gurus that ezine ads are one of the best forms of advertising. You may also have heard that Google AdWords and other pay per click search engines are one of the best advertising methods. But when it comes to marketing your web site, article submission trumps ezine ads and Google AdWords anytime.

The advantage of article submission is trust. Suppose you subscribe to an ezine in the form of an email newsletter. You've just sat down at your PC, coffee in hand, to read your email. There in your inbox is a copy of one of your favorite ezines, the one you read every time. Clicking on the newsletter, you see that this edition starts with a sponsor ad and then has a couple of great sounding articles and a couple more ezine ads. Sipping your coffee, one of the articles catches your attention. You read the article, and you were right. It's a great article.

At the bottom of the article, there is a link to the author's web site and a short biography. You notice the author has a link to pick up a free report with more information about the article's topic. Then you notice that right below that there's a sponsor link in an ezine ad. The sponsor's link is for a different web site, but it also offers a free report about the same topic.

Now you might click both links. But if you could only click one, which would you choose: the one by the author of the great article you just read or the one in the ezine ad?

If you would click on the one from the author of the article you just read, you're not alone. Most people would, wouldn't they?

Now suppose you're surfing around on the web. You do a Google search on a topic you're interested in, and you follow a link to a great article with some excellent advice on the topic. Again, there is a link to the author's web site and a link to a free report with more information on the topic.

Right beside it are five Google AdWords ads on the same topic. As luck would have it, they are also each offering a free report on the same topic.

You would still be most likely to click on the author's link at the bottom of the article, though, wouldn't you?

A Article submission trumps ezine ads and Google AdWords because you establish a relationship and build trust with your reader. You are obviously the expert. After all, you wrote the article. And the webmaster or ezine publisher wouldn't have published the article if they didn't think you knew what you were talking about, right?

Years ago, I used to do direct sales in people's homes. I learned that one of the first things you need to do is the "warm up." You've just entered someone's home, they don't know who you are as a person, and they know you're going to be trying to get money from them before you leave.

If you don't establish rapport quickly, it's difficult to overcome people's natural sales resistance. In direct sales in the home, you do that by talking a little with people before you begin your sales presentation. They get to know you as a person, and their resistance is lowered.

Most people can't do sales because they remain the "enemy," the horrible sales person who wants to sell something. Let's face it, people hate sales people!

But imagine if you could warm up to people easily - and not just one or two people, but thousands of people. Imagine if instead of selling them something, you could educate them about something that will solve a problem and be of great benefit to them. That's entirely different, isn't it?

Article submission allows you to do exactly this, and on a massive scale. If you submit many articles to article submission sites and article directories, many will be published on web sites and in ezines around the Internet. People will read your articles and warm up to you. Solve their problems and they'll want more.

It's hard to accomplish that with Google AdWords. You only have three lines and a few words to build interest and trust and to get the click. It's also hard to achieve that with ezine ads. Even with solo ezine ads, evéryone knows they are advertisements.

Article submission is the secret. Writing and submitting articles is relatively easy. Just write very helpful articles on your topic and link to your web site. Through article submission you will build your reputation. Through article submission you will gain trust. And through article submission you will get visitors to your web site that already like you, value your advice, and want to know more about what you can do to help them.

That's already an incredible benefit, but it gets even better. Article submission is usually free, or low cost if you use an article submission service. Ezine ads and Google AdWords can be very expensive, and it is unlikely you could ever get traffic coming to your site as open to listening to you and trusting you as they will be from an article submission.

This is why article submission trumps ezine ads and Google AdWords.