Wednesday, September 10, 2008


What is a Search Engine?
A search engine is an online database of websites that allows Internet users to search for information contained on websites contained in the database by "Keywords".
Keywords are words that Internet searches are likely to use when looking for information on a specific topic. For example, the words "grad schools" would likely be used when looking for information on continuing post-secondary education.
Each search engine has slightly different behaviors and characteristics.

What is a Directory?
A directory is a search tool much like a search engine but with a few major differences. Directories tend to employ human editors to review and rank websites submitted to their database. Yahoo! is the most well known example of a directory. Most directories catalog websites based on a variety of topic categories such as Business and Economics, or Arts and Culture. Most directories demand payment before assigning a website review to one of their editors.

What is PPC or Pay Per Click?
Several Search tools are now offering Pay per Click rankings. Companies such as GoTo and iWon allow webmasters the chance to purchase placement in an auction system. StepForth has several plans for managing bidding accounts and finding the least expensive keywords to bid on.

Is there a simple solution to top placement?
There is no simple solution to attaining high search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is time consuming work and requires a healthy knowledge of how the Internet functions and how search engines operate.

Are not all search engines the same?
Each search tool has its own unique characteristics. As businesses, each search tool has found ways to make its service slightly different from other search tools.

Will my website stay at the #1 position once my website is placed there by StepForth?
Search Engine rankings fluctuate frequently, however, if your site is properly maintained by search engine specialists month to month then it is likely that the movement will be confined to within the top10 positions.

TIP: StepForth offers a monthly maintenance service which is designed to maintain optimal positioning for existing clientele.

My website did not get accepted last time I submitted to the search engines... why?
Search Engine listings are not guaranteed to everyone who posts a website to the Internet. Search engines are for-profit businesses and have the right to refuse to list any site for virtually any reason. At StepForth we specialize in getting sites listed on search engines. We ensure all bases are covered and all necessary elements are present before submitting the finalized site to the search engines or directories.

How long does it take to see results?
It can take between 2 - 12 weeks to see results, depending on each search engine. StepForth starts tracking your website's performance 14 days after submission. We will forward all results as they come in over time. Ask about our reporting services.

How does the Search Engine find websites?
There are two ways a search engine can find a website to add to its database. The first and most direct method is to accept submissions from website designers and optimizers. Most search engines have a "submit your URL" section inviting submissions from Internet users.
The second, and least obvious method of finding websites is to send a "spider" to follow each and every link on, off, and through a website. New URLs encountered by the spider will be added to the database. In this way, some search engines will grow very rapidly.

What is a "Spider"?
A "spider" is an electronic robot that travels the web examining websites in order to add them to a search engine database and rank them according to the specific ranking criteria for that search engine. Most search engines use spiders to quickly and efficiently canvass the web for information.

What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization is the process of making websites search engine friendly. The process often involves minor modifications to, or additions of, several standard elements of a website.

What do you mean by Search Engine Friendly?
We use this term to describe a website that has specific elements added or modified to attract and please search engine spiders or live directory editors. Here is a link to an article that will provide you with more information: "Is Your Web Site Search Engine Friendly? Your Personal Checklist"

Why might I need to have extra elements added to my website?
A search engine spider is an automated program that electronically probes every URL submitted to its database. As the spider is a computer program, it is designed to look for and rank very specific items on each page it probes. If those elements are present, the spider computes a higher ranking than it would if those elements were not present.

If these elements are so important, why didn't they get added when my site was originally designed?
Most website designers haven't learned the importance of search engine friendly design. In almost every case we've encountered, the site designer is a highly skilled and creative person whose job is to put your ideas on the web. More often than not, the designers have not received any training in search engine optimization and don't think about it while pursuing a cool looking design. Search engines are also constantly changing their ranking criteria. They do this to prevent gross manipulation of their search tools. Often, website designers are not fully up to date with changes at search engines. For an example, ask your website designers about Theme Engines. At StepForth, we spend a good portion of our time studying how search engines work and how any sudden changes might effect our clients.

Why don't I just do the work myself and save money?
You can do the work yourself. You will need to continuously update your knowledge of how the various search engines work and any changes made in the way they work. This shouldn't take you too much time. Once you get the hang of it, search engine optimization can be as simple as re-shoeing the brake pads on your car or replacing the motherboard and system bios in your computer.

You should know that if you make a mistake in optimization and submission, it can take months to find the mistake and fix it, resubmit the site and obtain the search engine ranking you desired. Our 10+ years of experience with search engine optimization helps us avoid most mistakes.

What is an Affiliate Program?
A mutually beneficial relationship between a website and a company. The company seeks to either generate more web traffic, sell more products, or seek out potential customers through leads. The website seeks to make a profit by selling ad revenue on the site. Affiliate programs come in many shapes and forms.

What is an Affiliate Network?
This is by far the quickest and easiest way to begin selling advertising on your website. A secondary company called an affiliate network acts as a liaison between the advertiser and your website. The affiliate network sells ad space on your site and then takes a cut of the profit generated from this advertising. This can be an especially good method for small sites or people just starting in the advertising market, because it is extremely difficult to find individual advertisers on your own. In addition, the hardware and software needed to run and track an advertising campaign is all taken care of by the affiliate network.

What is CPS (Cost Per Sale)?
The cost an advertiser pays per sale. This is a very common method of selling advertising. You receive a credit for a sale when a web surfer clicks on one of the ads on your site and ends up buying something from your advertiser's site. A sale does not always occur directly after the click as most advertisers will have a certain time during which both the sale and click through must occur in order to receive credit. This time period is often called the 'cookie duration'.

What is CPL (Cost Per Lead)?
The cost an advertiser pays per lead. This is a very common method of selling advertising. A lead can be anything from an email address for a newsletter to a complete survey that needs to be completely filled out and verified in order to get credit. CPL prices can range greatly depending on the program.

What is CPA (Cost Per Action)?
This term refers to pay per lead and pay per sale affiliate programs.

What is CPC (Cost Per Click)?
The cost an advertiser pays per click.

Does meta tags make your site rank better?
This is NOT true. The fact is that according to the W3C HTML coding standards it is good coding practice to make use of Meta tags. Meta tags are also used by some directories and Yahoo! also admited at looking at meta tags 2 years ago. It is also true that search engines like Google DO NOT care much for meta tags. Meta tags therefore does very little if any for your rankings. It is also good practice not to stuff a bunch of keywords in your meta tags but that the meta tags should be relevant to the theme and keywords targeted on the specific page it is located on.

Is page titles important?
Yes, a good page title assist the search engine in determining the targeted theme of the page. Each page must have it’s own unique title that are representative of the page content. Also just target a single keyword phrase per page title.

Should I target many keywords on a single page?
No, the best strategy is to target a single keyword phrase for every individual page. This can cause a single page to rank for several keywords relevant to the incoming backlinks and the keywords targeted by the page.

What is a reciprocal link?
Reciprocal linking is when you link to a site and they link to your site in return.

What is a triangular link?
This is a link strategy whereby you link to a site form your one domain and they link back to another of your domains.

What is Natural rank

This the rankings that you obtain without paying for position. In Google the paid rankings normally is located on the right hand side of their search results and the natural rankings are the results listed on the entire left hand side of the search results.

What is hidden text?
This is text that is visible to a search engine spider as it views the HTML source code but it is not visually visible to a human visitor. Webmasters usually make use of style sheets and the class attribute to fool search engines. This will definitely end up with a removal and penalty by a search engine when detected.

What is a Doorway page?
These are normally single pages created with the sole purpose to target specific keywords. It usually do not reflect the rest of the site. A splash page can be mistaken as a doorway page and should be avoided as search engines can penalize a domain for the use of doorway pages.

My web design company submitted my site to 1000’s of search engines, do I still need to do SEO?
Submission software is to a large degree a selling mechanism that means nothing to the website. Only a handful of search engines being submitted to are actually useful and those will focus on other factors to determine your site’s rankings. It is a well known fact that Google uses more than 200 factors to rank a website. The only thing that submission software does is letting search engines know that your site is out there. Obtaining backlinks from sites already being indexed however has the same result.

What is SEO?
It is the process that enable search engines to access and understand the content of a site with the end result of improved positioning on the SERPS of relevant search engines in order to obtain relevant targeted referrals with improved conversion ratios, from search engines.

What is Cloaking?
In short cloaking means to determine who visits the website and then presenting the applicable visitor with the site content relevant to their needs. In other words serving Google bot with a different page than for example the Yahoo! spider is cloaking. This will definitely result in a banning of the relevant site in a search engine, if discovered. Enabling actual human visitors to view only information relevant to their needs is not considdered cloaking. Cloaking's main objective is fooling search engines.

What is an Algo?
The abbreviation for algorithm. This is a mathematical formula that determines the ranking of pages in the relevant search engines search results.

SEO Tools

SEO Tools

Seo Administrator is an integrated suite of web promotion utilities that cover all aspects of website optimization and promotion. Professionals and newcomers alike have successfully used Seo Administrator to enhance their websites and have found it to be simple and intuitive to operate.

Here is an overview of the powerful utilities that are included in the Seo Administrator package:

"Ranking Monitor" utility. This seo tool uses your website keywords to obtain the ranking position of your website from a wide range of search engines. The list of over thirty major international search engines includes: Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, AllTheweb, Lycos, HotBot and so on.

"Link popularity checker" seo tool. The number of inbound links to your website is a major factor in successful search engine promotion and this tool analyzes these links. The Seo Administrator package enables you to create a comprehensive list of links to your web project and follow their dynamics by revealing new and out-dated links. The module can also analyze your competitor's websites and search for potential link exchange resources.

"Site indexation tool" utility. This seo tool checks for website page indexing. Before being included in keyword-based search results, a web page needs to be indexed by the search engines. Seo Administrator reveals the pages of your site that have been indexed by various search engines. The program supports all major international search engines

"Log analyzer" program is designed for analysis of your website log-files. It provides comprehensive estimates of resource usage, numbers of visitors, search queries that were used to find your site, site referrers, visitors' countries and much more.

"Page Rank analyzer" seo tool automatically obtains the Google PageRank value for your list of URLs. The number of inbound links is also obtained. It also checks for the presence of each URL in the DMOZ and Yahoo catalogues.

"Keyword suggestion tool". Choosing the right keywords and keyphrases to target in your pages is extremely important to help people find your website. This seo tool uses a variety of sources to suggest keywords relevant to each page. The program also provides the competition number of the keywords. Less competition means that you may get higher ranking in search engines.

"HTML analyzer" module is a seo program that analyzes html page content. The program provides a full report on the weight and density of keywords and keyphrases in your web pages. As well as providing a preliminary analysis of your own site, it can be used to analyze your competitors' sites.

"Google Data Centers" program. This seo program is a tool that allows you to query all of Google's Data Centers from one convenient interface

"Snippets viewer" seo program. The brief, automated descriptions (snippets) of your resource displayed by search engines are also very important. An attractive description will make visitors to choose your link among all the others suggested by a search engine. This seo program analyses your snippets and compiles a database of them.

Seo Administrator automates site promotion allowing you to utilize your time spent on the project more effectively, efficiently and productively.

SEO tools collection

Hey fellows, recently written an article Ultimate SEO tools collection based on some SEO tools. Hope it helps.

Page Rank

Rank Checker - Get a overview of your website's ranking
PageRank Lookup - check the PageRank for a website
Google PageRank Prediction - check predicted PR of a site
Multi-Rank Checker - View your Google PageRank and Alexa Ranking in bulk
PageRank Checker - View your Google PageRank on differnet Google servers

Links related

Bookmark & Blog Search Check
- Find your backlinks in the major bookmarking sites and blog search engines
Reciprocal Link Check - check whether your link partners are linking back to your website
Link Popularity Checker - a popularity score given to a website based on inbound links
LinkPrice Lookup - check the price of your link
Link Price Calculator - another tool for checking the price of links
Link Checker - check your links to see if it's still valid or not
Link Popularity - checks the total number of web pages which link to a website
Link Price Calculator - help to determine the approximate amount you should be paying (or charging) per month for a text link (ad) from each and every page of the specified website
Site Link Analyzer - analyze a given web page and return a table of data containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text
URL Rewriting - convert dynamic URLs into static looking HTML URLs
Link Extractor - Extract links from a specific web page
Link Shortener - shorten a web address
Back Links Finder - Build relevant website back links
Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer - check link text used by your backlinks to Link to your wesbite

Keyword related

Keyword Verification - checks to see if your site is in the top three pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword
Keyword Density Analyser - another SEO tools for keywords
Keyword Cloud - a visual representation of keywords used on a website
Keyword Density - another SEO tool for checking keyword density
Keyword Difficulty Check - see how difficult it would be to rank for specific keywords or phrases
Keyword Optimizer - optimizer your keywords with this tool
Keyword Typo Generator - generate a list of suggestions for likely human misspellings and typos
Keyword Suggestion - Find related keywords matching your search
Free Keyword Research Tool - analyze the meta keywords of your competition


XML-Sitemaps - Build your Site Map online (XML, ROR, Text, HTML)
Gsitecrawler - Google (and Yahoo!) Sitemap Generator for Windows
Validate XML Sitemap - Search Engine Optimizion Tool for validating your xml sitemaps

Search Engines

Google Analytics - tells you everything about your visitors
Google Backlinks Check - Check Google and 9 data centers for backward link updates
Google Banned Checker - check whether a site is banned by Google or not
Search Engine Bot Simulator - SEO Tool to simulate search engine parsing of webpages and display discovered links.
Indexed pages - check the no. of indexed pages for your blog
Spider Simulator - simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page
Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker - checks the exact HTTP headers that a web server is sending with an HTTP response.
Search Engine Position - Locate your search listings on Google and Yahoo!
Search Listings Preview - Preview your website on Google, MSN and Yahoo! Search

HTML related

HTML Encrypt - Hide your HTML source code
HTML Optimizer - Optimize and clean your HTML source code
HTTP Headers - Extract the HTTP Headers of a web page
HTTP Headers Viewer - check HTTP headers for any specific URL
Meta-tags Extractor - Extract meta-tags information from a web page
Meta-tags Generator - Generate and configure your meta-tags
META Analyzer - analyze a website's meta tags
Meta Tag Generator - help you to generate meta tags
Meta Tag Optimization - Check your Title and Meta Tags for keyword optimization
Source Code Viewer - View the source code of a page

Domain related

Alexa Traffic Rank - View and compare Alexa Ranking graphs
Domain Age Tool - find out the age of your competitor's domains
Domain Stats Tool - get all kind of statistics of your competitor's domains
Domain Availability - Check the availability of domains
Domain Look-up - Retrieve a range of information about a domain
Domain Whois - Retrieve domain whois information
Instant Domain Checker - Check the availability of domains instantly
Ping Test - Check the presence of an active connection
Reverse IP/Look-up - Resolve a host to an IP address
Server Status - Check if your website is online or offline
Website Speed Test - Find out how fast your website loads
What Is My IP Address - shows your ip address
Class C Checker - check if some sites are hosted on the same Class C IP Range
IP to City - determine the Country, City, Latitude and Longitude of an IP Address
Website to Country - determine the Country in which the specified website is Hosted

Web stats

Statcounter - famous free web tracker
HiStats - Free, real time updated web stats service
Addfreestats - provide free website statistics


FEED Validator - for Atom and RSS
W3C Markup Validation Service - check for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards
Kontera Ads Preview - preview Kontera Ads on your website
Online spell checker - simple online spell checking tools
Browser Screen Resolution Checker - shows what your site looks like with different screen resolutions
Your Browser Details - View your IP address and your browser details
Anonymous Emailer - Send e-mails to users anonymously
md5 Encrypt - Encrypt text to MD5
Online Calculator - A simple online calculator

Monday, September 8, 2008

A new Browser by Google - Google Chrome

Google Chrome Review


Before i start, let me just say that the only browsers i use are firefox (THE Browser) and IE (just to check if the pages that i develop appear correctly and work). So, in advance, i’m sorry if i point some feature in google Chrome that already exists natively in other browser.

Yesterday i finally got access to Google Chrome Download Page, some time after the anouncement made on google’s official blog. The expectation was high and Google didn’t disappoint.

First, the installation is very quick. I went to , Clicked the big blue button, downloaded a setup file, and chrome was installed in no time. Simple, quick, straight to the point.

First thing i noticed: The speed!!! The browser loads in a flash (not like firefox that, at least in my computer, takes a little time to load). When i started to browse some pages, i was astonished with the load speed.

Like google explained in the google chrome presentation comic book, chrome uses one process for each tab. This has several advantages. The ones that i best remember are:

  • If a page crashes, only that page is closed, not the browser;
  • When we don’t need a page, the process of that tab is closed and the memory allocated is released.
After this i decided to explore the developer suport that the browser offered. Well, i was amazed because chrome is only a beta and already has several features that are really useful. All of this without installing any plugin.
The dom inspector makes me remember Firebug. Can inspect every element and, at the same time, travel through the dom and see the styles aplied to each element. Yes, we already have this feature in firefox using firebug, but in chrome this feature is native, thats the beauty of it.
For javascript i found a console and a text mode debugger. I didn’t spent any time exploring them. Maybe one of this days i’ll take a few hours to explore this tools.
Finally two features that are really handy (at least for me):
  • native language corrector (it has some bugs, but this is only a beta, i give a discount).
  • element inspector in the right context menu.
Google Chrome surprised me. Fast, Simple, Lite. Can be both a browser for the common internet user, has it can be a browser for a developer. Google exceeded my expectations and proved, once more, to be a company that studies the market and knowns what the users want.
Chrome is going to be a first choice for now on. I’m official Chromed!!! I hope that future releases bring more and more new features to help improve even more this browser.

Download Google Chrome at



to download google chrome and use visit: or view this also

some draw back of this all.

its only available for windows.

no extra plug in can be downloaded now for this.

google toolbar is not with this neither it can be downloaded till yet with this.

some times it seems using some features of IE8.0

Video Search Engine Optimization

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, July 4, 2008

SEO Tips - improve Google ranking of your website

Search Engine Optimization activities can be divided into two sets of ongoing processes: on-site optimization (ways of building and improving your website) and off-site optimization (outside factors, such as links from other websites). These techniques may be further divided into “good” SEO, that is accepted by the search engines, also known as “White Hat SEO Practices”, and the bad, techniques, such as spam, link farming, etc., that can get your website penalized or even banned from search engines like Google or Yahoo.

Here are some of my tips for working your site’s SEO:

On-Site Optimization

  • Choosing the right domain name

One of the first choices that you have to make when starting your website is the choice of your domain name. This is important because Google and other search engines look at your domain name when determining the relevancy of the search engine results page (SERP). It is therefore beneficial to have the keywords that you are targeting present in your domain name.

  • Title

tag) should be descriptive and relevant to the content of your website. It is beneficial to include some of the targeted keywords and/or keyphrases in the title of your site. Also, be sure to have unique titles for every each one of your sub-pages, as it is more descriptive and increases the amount of keywords that you can use.Title of your web page (specified with the use of the

  • Keyword density

When writing content for your website, try to include all your keywords within the body of your pages. That way, when a search engine bot (crawler) indexes your website, it sees the keyphrases included in your copy, and thus can determine the relevancy of your website for a given search querry.

  • Header tags

Divide the content of your site into certain parts and begin each with a relevant (keyword-rich) description bound by the header tags (h1, h2, h3, etc.).

  • Links

Make sure that your site does not have any broken links, for it is frowned upon by the search engines. The anchor text (name that your link is displayed as) should be relevant, and keyword rich. If certain keywords are more important to you, you may increased their value in the eyes of search engines by using one of the bold and strong tags or putting them as a header.

  • File names

Make sure that the file names of your web pages contain the targeted keywords. For example instead of calling your gallery page gallery.html, call it fast-cars-photogallery.html (for a gallery of sports cars). Remember not to go overboard with sticking too many keywords into one file name, because it may appear too spamy to search engines.

  • Image alternative text.

Remember to include the alternative text for all your images (ex: ”Picture). Alt text is important for a variety of reasons: it helps visually disabled people to read your website, helps when somebody is using text only web browser, it is standards compliant, and of course it is yet another place to put some more keywords.

  • Meta Data: description, keywords

In your html code, be sure to put adequate, not too long, not too short description of your website and the list of your keywords.

  • Url rewriting

Remember that you can manipulate your urls and make them more search engine friendly with such tools as .htaccess on an Apache server or the IIS on a Microsoft platform.

  • W3C compliant syntax

Make sure that the html you are coding is compliant with the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium. You can check your site at Some people believe that having valid html helps with your SERP, some think otherwise. In my opinion it is a good prudent and proactive step to take; it won’t hurt, but it may help. I myself, try to always use valid strict xhtml (specified in the doctype statement in the top part of your code).

Off-Site Optimization

  • Link building - you can submit your link for free to many websites such as:
  • Yahoo & Google Locals

At these sites you can submit your business listing, and not only get a valuable link from an important, high PR site, but also increase your brand awareness and potentially land some business deals.

  • Directories (DMOZ, Yahoo Directories (paid listing), etc.)

There is an abundance of online directories floating on the internet. Some of them are free such as DMOZ (very hard to get listed, but extremely beneficial to your SEO and eMarketing efforts), some offer paid inclusion (Yahoo directories, I think annual fee of $290), and some offer you a listing in exchange for a link back to their site. Be careful with linking to those directories because some might be treated as link-farms and will get you penalized by the search engines. If linking to a directory, find out if it is a legitimate website first. Also, try linking only to those sites that are related to yours in some way.

  • Video sharing (, Google Videos, etc.)

If you have some skills at shooting interesting videos or making video tutorials (such as a SEO tutorial or a witty Photoshop technique tutorial) you can post them on a variety of video-sharing networks, and put a link to your website in the description of your input.

  • Social Networking (,, etc.)

Social networking sites are a great way to show of your business along with your website to the world. A profile on MySpace or Facebook can gain you new clients, help to stay in touch with existing ones, develop business relations with other companies, and be a source of links and traffic to your website.

  • Blogs (,, etc.)

Blogs, similarly to social networking sites, are a good way of sharing information about your business/website with the world. By writing relevant content, you can gain links and exposure

  • Message boards, forums
  • Google Pages
  • Link Exchange
  • Email Marketing/Newsletter

A company online newsletter can keep your visitors updated and in touch with your website. Marketing emails can also attract possible clients for your business. If you decide to engage in an email marketing campaign, keep one thing in mind: “Don’t SPAM!”

I will be posting new techniques and tips for search engine optimization, as well as discussing the ones contained in this article in more detail, so stay tuned!

Source: Click here

Thursday, June 26, 2008

How to Know that Your Domain is Banned in a Search Engine

Do you have a domain that appears to have ranking problems in Google, Yahoo or MSN? Sometimes this may leave you wondering, “Has my Web site somehow been banned in the search engines?”; “Did my search engine optimization firm do something bad?”.

If your Web site is brand new, you can skip this and just read some earlier columns on optimizing a new Web site.

If your Web site once ranked and all of a sudden seems to be taking a hit, perhaps you should check to see if you’ve suffered a ban in any one of the search engines or encountered a penalty.

First, let’s take a look at what a ban might look like.

Oftentimes it is difficult to tell whether a domain name is banned in the search engine or simply penalized by the search engine. Or, perhaps the domain name is neither banned, nor penalized. It could be, you just managed to screw up your site. Let’s look at all of the possibilities and explore how to tell whether or not a domain name is banned.

Let’s first look at Google. Go to and type in the domain name, with and without the “www.” For example, search for “” and then search for “” (without using quotes around the domain name). If the domain shows up in the search results then it is not banned in Google.

If the domain name does not show up in the search results but there are search results then there may be an issue with that domain name. For example, if the domain name does not appear, but the domain name is highlighted or shows up in bold on other sites in the search results, there most likely is a problem with that domain name.

To investigate a domain further at Google, let’s look at what Google returns when we perform a site: search at Google. For example, if you go to Google and search for “” and then “” and Google comes back with “Your search - - did not match any documents,” the site most likely is banned at Google.

If you add the domain name to Google Webmaster Tools, you should be able to learn more about the domain name, even if you do not own that domain name. In fact, you can add just about any domain name (as long as it resolves to a page, or is up and running). I recently added a domain name that I know is banned in the index and received the message from Google, “No pages from your site are currently included in Google’s index. Indexing can take time. You may find it helpful to review our information for webmasters and webmaster guidelines.”

If you own the domain name and have the ability to perform Google’s verification procedure then you may find out additional information about the domain. I recently verified a domain name that I know is currently banned in the Google index, and learned that if a site is truly banned in Google, their Webmaster Tools section will not show you any data. For example, when you look at the Diagnostics/Web Crawl area there will be no data shown; in the Links/Pages with external links section, there will be no data listed.

What should you do if the domain name appears to be banned? If the domain is banned in Google, make sure you take a look at the Google Webmaster Guidelines and see if the domain/Web site violates any of those guidelines. If you are certain that the domain name does not violate any of the guidelines, or if it once did but no longer does, then you should consider putting in a reinclusion request. Google explains that you need to sign into your Google Webmaster Tools account and go to the Removed Content tab, and then click “Reinclude” next to the content you’re trying to get back in the Google index.

There are several reasons why domain names can be banned in Google. Some bans appear to be different than others. For example, if a domain name is not renewed, I have seen it appear to be removed from the Google index, especially when a domain name reaches the “pending delete” status.

Also, newly registered domain names tend to be immediately indexed, but then will tend to drop out of the index. In these cases, the domains aren’t necessarily banned from the index; they’re simply removed. Adding content to the domain and getting links to that domain from other web sites will help get the domain back in the Google index. Otherwise, some really tricked up SEO, or just bad luck, can certainly get you banned.

A couple of great forum discussions on this topic are currently happening here:
Google Penalty?
Why is this Web site banned in Google?

Let’s take a look at Yahoo and Microsoft Live Search and determine whether or not a domain name is banned in their indexes. Searching for the domain name in either Yahoo’s or Live Search’s search field (e.g., will show pages from that domain name. If the domain is not found in the search results, then going to Yahoo’s Site Explorer or Microsoft’s Webmaster Center will also help determine if the domain is in the index or not.

If the domain name is not in either Yahoo or Microsoft’s index, then it will most likely show a message like, “We were unable to find any results for the given URL in our index:”. If the domain name shows that pages are indexed, then most likely it is not banned.

Here’s a forum discussion on a Yahoo ban: Banned by Yahoo?

In most cases, loss of rankings could just be a stupid mistake that someone made (302 redirecting a bunch of pages from your site to a different domain; redesign/relaunching a Web site and not properly 301 redirecting the URLs; redesigning/relaunching a Web site and going from 1,000 pages indexed to 40). These are just a few examples of how you could “ban yourself” (”penalize” would be a more appropriate term). It is far more common that you hurt yourself than it is that the search engines ban you.

As always, if you’re not sure, contact a search engine optimization professional for assistance/counseling.


Become a Pay Per Click Expert in 5 Quick and Easy Steps!

Ever heard of the 90/10 pay per cliíck rule? Basically it says that 90% of PPC success is enjoyed by only the top 10% of advertisers who know the inside methods to getting the most from their PPC campaign. And oddly enough, it’s basically true. Especially when it comes to Google’s AdWords, which offers the most advanced methods to help advertisers get their money’s worth (and then some!)Some people use PPC as their primary source of search engine marketing while others use it as a way to get steady supplemental targeted traffíc. As an SEO professional I’ve developed PPC campaigns for my clients so they get targeted traffíc while the organic optimization is ramping up, which often takes weeks or months. Whatever the reason, PPC is a good way for any online business owner to get targeted traffíc and a great way for those who know how to use the system to their advantage. And that’s exactly what this article will do for you.
But before we dive in, just why is AdWords so valuable? There are plenty of reasons but for starters…

1.) AdWords listings are seen by more than 80% of all Internet users on millions of sites ranging from Google and AOL to very specific niche locations it would otherwise take forever to research and manage independent advertising accounts with.

2.) Your ads can be targeted specifically by region or language.

3.) Ads that you can constantly update and test are a great way to test what keywords are really best for targeting in your organic SEO efforts, which can be very time consuming and expensive.

Step 1: Get an AdWords Account

If you don’t already have an AdWords account, it’s easy enough to sign up for at Once you have your account you can begin creating ads and finding the best keywords. Actually, you can use Google’s free AdWords keyword research tool even without an account by visiting:

Step 2: Develop a Killer Ad

Here are the things to know about ad development broken out by Title and Body…

Ad Title:

1.) Use targeted keywords NOT your company name

2.) Mention a benefit, rather than a feature.

3.) Take advantage of the “Dynamic Titles” feature by entering the following code in your title “{KeyWord: Your Keyword}” (without quotes.) This allows you to use the same ad body text with a dynamically generated title that matches exactly what the searcher is looking for and makes your ad the most relevant it can be. By the way, this is case sensitive; “{KeyWord: Your Keyword}” will make the first letter of each word capitalized while “{keykord: your keyword}” will make it all lower case.

The body or text of your ad need only do two things; hook ‘em and then reel ‘em in. The hook is something that peaks their interest such as “íncrease your profíts with XYZ software.” While reeling them in involves what traditional marketers refer to as a “call to action.” This might be “Download your Free 30 day Tríal now.”

Note: Do not over capitalize your ad. At best just capitalize the words you feel are most important to the viewer. It’s OK to capitalize the first letter of each word in the title but not the body.

Step 3: Maximize URL Usage

While we’re on the subject of what the searcher sees in your ad, we need to consider the URL. Google will let you make the visible URL different than the actual URL leading to the landing page where the visitor will end up after clicking your ad. This is huge! Take advantage of it.

This feature will let you test multiple landing pages in your ads to see what pages are converting sales best while showing the visitor the “display” URL for your product. Let’s say the landing page being tested in this particular ad is “…com/XYZ/purchase3.htm.” When that ad gets clicked you will soon see if “/purchase3.htm” is converting better than “/purchase1.htm.” But here’s the magic… By using a display URL of “…com/XYZ/” , and actually having the product there as well, you are building your brand and providing a visual queue for users to manually type in the URL if for some reason your landing page is unavailable.

Step 4: Use Special Keyword Advantages

Obviously keywords are a very big factor in the success of your campaign. Choosing the best keywords is extremely important and using Google’s “Keyword Matching Options” can help take your great keywords one step further. Just clíck the “Advanced option: match types” link when setting up your ads and choose from the following…

1.) Broad Match: Is the default and will show your ad each time all of the keywords in your keyword phrase are entered.

2.) Phrase Match: Looks for the order of words in your keyword phrase and only shows your ad if the order matches. Your ad will still show if your phrase is any part of the search query, but only if the word order is the same.

3.) Exact Match: This is the most stringent and will only present your ad if your exact keyword phrase, and ONLY your exact keyword phrase, is used.

4.) Negative Match: This is a nice feature that will stop your ad from showing if a word appears in the search query that you don’t want to get clicks for. The most common example is “free” which would eliminate you paying for clicks from people who just want a free version of what you offer.

Step 5: Find and Use the Best Keywords

Now for the most important aspect of your PPC campaign; keyword selection. The more targeted keywords you can find, the better. Google offers a great free keyword tool as we discussed early on. Here are the qualities to look for in your keywords:

1.) A good “Average Search Volume” rating (check out the blue bars)

2.) A high search volume for the previous month (especially true for seasonal topics)

3.) The lowest possible “Advertiser Competition” rating

4.) Look for common misspellings and use the “exact match” feature to get plenty of low cost targeted traffíc.

5.) Scroll down the page and find hidden gems that others miss. There are a lot for those who look carefully enough.

Insider Tip: You can also collect hundreds of low volume keywords, put them in a spreadsheet for easy upload and use the “Dynamic Title” feature we discussed earlier to generate hundreds of low cost highly targetëd leads.

Professional Tip: SEO professionals typically use specialized keyword selection and SpySoftware because it does weeks worth of work in a matter of hours. Keyword Elite for example, can generate thousands of valuable keywords in minutes and does “ethical spying” that exposes the competition and makes placement takeover easy.

That’s all you need to know to join the top 10% of PPC advertisers getting the most out of their campaigns with minimal effort. Best of luck!

Source: SiteProNews

My Web Site is Built - So Where’s the Traffic and Business?

Your website is built and sitting pretty. So where are all the people you hoped would come over to play? You need traffic for your site to be effective and to start generating leads. Now that you know that just having a website won’t necessarily drive business to you, you should consider the most important thing most people miss in this effort.

Here are the 3 factors that need to be in place for a successful website and successful business. I’ll líst them from least important to most important:

1. Sound ‘on-site’ Search Engine Optimization strategies. This refers to the things many consider the most important. There are the basic A-B-C’s of getting things set up with keywords and phrases so that you will rank well against your competition in Google, Yahoo and the like. This involves a lot of elements that you, as the end user, may not realize or see. Having the proper titles for each page, putting in the right key words and header tags. There are solid things that should be done and most web designers that I talk to rarely take it beyond this point. Being ranked well by search engines starts here but the best realize this is only the start.

2. Content That Is Effective. Visitors are useless unless they buy something or make contact with you. We call this “Conversion Ratio”. What percentage of your website visitors convert into buyers and users of your services? This can and should be measured. The important things here are the attractiveness and professional appearance of the site with content that is compelling. Having the right mix of words, graphics and informational content can take conversion rates from being non-existent to well over 10%.

Web designers get so many calls from business owners that can only think to ask, “how much do you charge to make me a website?” What they miss is what it will cost them in business profíts if it is not done right. Web designers may know how to make a good looking site but not necessarily how to input the words and content for the best results. Writing compelling content is a very specialized talent. This takes more work and more time to do. It costs more, but the difference can be huge on your return on investment.

When you have this part right, the most important part of driving traffic can be taken advantage of. This aspect is where many web developers simply drop off the map in helping clients. If you are shopping price only, you won’t find this part of the mix. What is it that they miss?

3. Off Site Factors Are Most The Important Factors in Driving Traffic! What are ‘off site factors’? The most important key for ranking well with Google are the links that come to you from other sites that Google considers to be important sites. MSN and Yahoo are important sites. So are, and OK, so the last one is more important to me than Google.

Here is the rub. How can you control whether or not other sites talk about you and link to you? I don’t mean calling other site owners and saying something like, “Hey, I’ll link to you if you link to me” stuff. Mutual links are not important anymore. One way links are. So how can you get those rolling? Well, this takes work. The nice part is that it is work that will have a direct effect on your bottom line. You have enough “busy work” as a business owner. This isn’t busy work; it’s vital.

Social-Business Networking Sites - Use Them

This is where sites like, and even come into play. I recommend using for business development. From there you can refer to your website and create interest in your site in others. I have a full article of ideas for this elsewhere so I won’t elaborate here. For more on this see “Why Bother with ‘LinkedIn’ or ‘Facebook’?” . Posting your information and inviting contacts to link in with you can be huge. It’s like having a second or third website with positive recommendations about you and your business.

Effective PR Campaigns

This can be the most important foundation for your business success. As our business partners Ray Lohner and Jerry Ogg from E3 Public Relations have drilled into me, most businesses have it all backwards. Here is what they preach for priorities:

1. Advertising => 2. Marketing => 3. Public Relation (If at all)


1. Public Relations => 2. Marketing => Advertising (If still needed)


Many businesses we build websites for already do some advertising with varying degrees of success. They do advertising yet often don’t know how that differs from marketing and ignore PR altogether.

It is PR that really sets the table for all the rest to work. The Internet is transforming even PR. Every time you have a bit of company news from hiring a new employee to lending support to a local charity it deserves a PR piece. Open a new office? PR. Have a unique solution to a problem? Let the press know - they may just do a story on it.

The idea is that if you get enough good PR working for you it opens doors for marketing and advertising because your company and name are more recognizable and respected. Just knowing who you are can be huge.

What has changed in the PR realm in recent years is the rise of online PR companies that will take your electronic releases and send them as feeds to news services nationwide. An example is It is chock full of information about good PR and advice on how to write it for best effect. Your submissions are sent out and picked up as a feed by other services. If your PR piece has a reference to your website, you now have 1 if not dozens of incoming links to your website. Do dozens of releases and you have dozens of one-way links and start to get noticed by other people interested in your field. Google notices this also.

Why Is PR All But Ignored?

So why don’t more businesses use this? Why do business owners nod in agreement but rarely follow through doing this? Because it takes time and effort to put together a good PR piece in a form that will be picked up by other sites or publications. It takes some knowledge to know where to even send it after you write it. Frankly, you probably don’t have time to sit down and pen out a 700-word piece. Few have the writing talent to do it right. It’s a skill, a specialized skill. Even if you do have the ability, you may well not know where to send it or who at a publication might be interested in it. This is exactly why PR firms exist. They do it well, know where to send it for greatest effect and they know what is newsworthy to send. They usually know people at the publications on a first name basis and what they are looking for.

I’m betting that if you cut your advertising budget in half and put that half into paying for a PR firm to take over that job that your remaining advertising will be even more effective than before.

This is one of the added values for quality web development companies. Next time you call a web design firm and ask, “How much does it cost to build us a website?” find out if “fries” come with that. Do you get just a website or do you get the added value of expertise in Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising. Trust this, you will get no more than you pay for.

If your web developer doesn’t do this, find a good PR firm and make sure they work together to do the job right.

Find out if they know enough about LinkedIn to even be there. If not, maybe they can’t help you there. How about their press releases? Do they even do them for themselves? How do they pro-actively do marketing for themselves? There are probably reasons why the cheapest bidder is the cheapest bidder. I hired the cheapest bidder to pave my driveway. Huge mistake now that it’s cracking after only 3 years.

A larger vision can make you a lot more money. You have to decide if “who’s the lowest bidder” is more important than how much money and exposure the site adds to your bottom line. After all, isn’t making money the point?

About The Author
John Clark is the President of Wow Web Works in Kalamazoo, MI. This and other articles of interest are posted on his blog at


Keyword research tool

Keyword research and, ultimately, keyword selection are extremely important parts of the overall SEO process. Selecting keywords relevant to your field of activity is essential. Make sure you conduct a proper in-depth keyword research before you begin placing keywords on your web site.

If you want your web site to be high ranked in search engines, then use these tools to find out the words that searchers use to get to a website like yours, and place them in the appropriate places. Nevertheless, remember that no tool is perfect. Don’t be afraid to use your intelligence and common sense.

1. Keyword Research Tool - Webmaster toolkit
2. Keyword External Tool - Google Adwords
3. Keyword Selector Tool - Inventory Overture
4. Keyword Suggestions Overture - SEO Chat
5. Website Keyword Suggestions - Webconfs
6. Keyword Suggestion Tool - Self SEO

Keyword density

These tools helps you achieve the ideal keyword density (how many times a keyword is used on a page divided by the number of words on that page) for a set of key terms. Why is it important? Because search engines use this meter in their process of qualification determining relevant websites. Read more about this topic on .

7. Keyword Density - SEO Chat
8. Keyword Density & Proeminence - Ranks
9. Keyword Density Analyzer - Keyword density
10. Analyze Keywords Density - Google rankings
11. Keyword Density Checker - Webconfs
12. Keyword Density Analyzer Tools - SEO Book

Competition Analysis

Analyzing your competition is an important step in the search engine optimization process and it takes into consideration: what keywords your competition has chosen and how they use them on their website.

If you want to see who is your competition for the targeted keywords you’ve chosen then check these tools:

13. Competition Tool - SEO Digger
14. Competition Analysis Tool - Seoscorecard
15. Top Competitor Tool - Webuildpages

Search engine keyword position tool

When done correctly, search engine positioning can increase web traffic by a tremendous amount. Use these tools to check your current position of your keywords in major search engines like: Google, Yahoo, MSN:

16. Search Engine Keyword Position - SEO Chat
17. Keyword Analysis Tool - Mcdar
18. SERPS Position Checker - LinkVendor
19. Website Position Tool - Rnk1

Link Popularity

Link popularity counts the total number of web pages which link to a website and it is considered to be a major factor used by search engines in determining a site’s position in search results. A site with more inbound links will be positioned higher than a similar site with fewer links.

It is helpful to keep track of your backlinks, to know which sites are linking back to you, and how the anchor text (a keyword incorporated into the text of the hyperlink) of the backlink incorporates keywords relating to your site.

These tools will query the major search engines like: Google, Yahoo, MSN and will return the total link count for each URL:

20. Link Popularity - SEO Chat
21. Link Popularity Checker - Webmaster Toolkit
22. Link Popularity Check - Widexl Internet Solution
23. Link Popularity Check - Market Leap
24. Link Popularity - Backlinks Checker - Search Bliss
25. Backlink Analyzer - Sitening
26. Check Backlinks - Webuildpages

If you’ve realized that your website link popularity needs to be increased, then you can start by reading some articles about were can you submit you web site content in order to receive quality backlinks. We recommend:

Class C Checker

When developing a network of linked web sites, you should bear in mind that search engines incorporate historical and IP address data. So in order not to be penalized for receiving links from the same Class C IP (the number of bits used to identify the network and the host vary according to the network class of the address) you should check where your linking partners are hosted and test what their IP Address is. This could make a difference for SEO purposes if you are going to get new links from different web sites.

27. Class C Checker - Webrank Info
28. Class C Checker - Webmaster Toolkit
29. Class C Checker - SEO Chat

Spider Simulator

What you see as a visitor in your browser while watching at any web site differs a lot from what the search engines spiders see when indexing your pages.

Find out what spiders see when they crawler your websites by using these simulators:

30. Spider Simulator - SEO Chat
31. Spider View - Iwebtool
32. Search Engine Spider Simulator - Anownsite
33. SE Bot Simulator - XML Sitemaps
34. SE Spider - LinkVendor

Browser Screen Resolution Checker

It is important to test a web site in as many ways as possible: view it in different screen resolutions, various computer platforms and different browsers. Find out how your web page looks like with the viewer’s monitor set to different screen resolutions as you want to be sure your visitor can see everything or at least the important navigation links:

35. Browser Screen Resolution Checker - Markhorrell
36. Screen Size Tester - AnyBrowser
37. Screen Resolution Checker - AndyLangTon

HTML and CSS validations

Although it’s not yet proved without doubt that W3C validation gives you better search engine rankings, it’s sure that errors in your code can cause you big problems. Converting your website pages to XHTML will help you reach more customers, as your site will work better in more browsers and non-traditional devices. Read more about this topic in our article: Does your website need W3CF Validation

In order to see if you’re CSS files or HTML code turns out to be valid use these tools:

FireFox Extensions

43. Developer ToolBar

A toolbar designed for Firefox, Flock, Mozilla and Seamonkey, with various web developer tools.

44. SEOpen

SEOpen is an extension for Firefox to help with search engine optimization. It provides many helpful tools at the click of a mouse: Yahoo Backlinks, Pages in Yahoo Index, Google Backlinks, Google Cache, and Pages in Google index, Google Related, PageRank Check, MSN Backlinks, Pages in MSN Index, Alexa Overview, Alexa Traffic, Alexa Related.

45. SEO Links Extension

When enabled, SEO Links extension, hovering any link in FireFox (compatible width FireFox 1.0-1.5 ) will show you Yahoo, MSN, and Google link popularity and ranking data for the URL and anchor text pair.

Speed Tester

It’s important to consider how fast your pages load because users will shy away from sites they can’t navigate quickly and easily. Additionally, smaller pages are indexed by Google and other search engines easier:

46. Speed Tester - LinkVendor
47. Website Speed Test - Web Hosting Top
48. Website Speed Test - Iwebtool
49. Speed test - WebSite Goodies
50. Web Page Speed Report

Page Rank Prediction

PageRank is an algorithm used by Google to measure the relevance and importance of a web page. In order to find a way to make the difference between the million of pages on the web, Google rates each of them, gives them a “vote”. Find out more about: Google Page Rank Algorithm .

By using these tools you will get an estimation of your future page rank:

51. Future PageRank - SEO Chat
52. Predict PageRank - Page Rank Prediction
53. Future PageRank
54. * Page Rank Prediction - DNLodge

* minim 100 backlink in order to estimate future Page Rank

Check your current Page Rank:

55. Visual PageRank - Iwebtool
56. Search PageRank - SEO Chat
57. Page Rank Tool

Traffic Rankings

58. Alexa Traffic
59. Awstats
60. ** Sitetracker
61. ** Histats
62. ** Google Analytics
63. Compete
** you need to create an account

Search Engine Saturation

Search Engine Saturation refers to the number of pages a given search engine has in its index for your website domain. It is important because this kind of information tells you if the engines are finding and indexing all the pages and files on your website.

Use the tools we recommend to verify your search engine saturation levels and compare your website to competitors on a regular basis in order to see if it is climbing or falling.

64. Search Engine Saturation - Market Leap
65. Search Engine Saturation Tool - Build Reciprocal Links
66. Search Engine Saturation - SearchBliss
67. Search Engine Saturation Tool - To the Web
68. Search Engine Saturation Tool - SEO Book

It doesn’t matter what tool you choose for your research as long as you know that they are only informative and nobody can guarantee your results. Nevertheless, such tools are useful to provide you with a broad picture of the markets you decide to compete in.